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  • 来源:留学生前途网




Wheelers Hill Secondary College Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

  I am very proud to welcome you to Wheelers Hill Secondary College. We have a fine tradition of academic excellence, a great breadth of programs and opportunities, fantastic facilities and a vibrant community of parents, students and teachers who are committed to the best possible outcomes for all.

  Our 2011-2014 Strategic Plan outlines our purpose and commitment to:

  Student achievement and excellence

  A culture of high expectations, aspiration and challenge for all students, teachers and support staff

  Creating opportunities for every student to become a successful learner

  Developing a life-long love of learning

  Nurturing optimistic, resilient, confident and creative individuals who act with integrity

  We are clearly focussed on maximising our student outcomes. We have high expectations of student application and attendance. We seek the support of all families to provide maximum support and encouragement for their students. Our staff are firmly committed to the success of our students and their own ongoing professional growth. We seek to be committed, united, innovative and vibrant in all that we do.

  We place much emphasis on student leadership. We encourage and support our students to develop their confidence and build their skills by responding positively to the many challenges they experience and by contributing to the development of our school and the broader community.

  We offer core and extra-curricula programs at all levels. From sports, music, debating and clubs to camps, international tours and challenge programs, we provide opportunities for a huge range of student interests and learning styles.

  Our parent community is very supportive of the College through Council, canteen, book and uniform sales and in a range of informal situations.

  Our teachers have a huge breadth of talents, experiences and skills. They offer great strength to the learning environment.

  We have a facility that has undertaken major developments, that provides a great environment and resources for all. Our e-learning provision is outstanding.

  Our community of 550+ students also gives us the opportunity to know and nurture each individual student.

  I am confident that we offer excellent educational opportunity. I encourage you to visit our College, seek further information if required or tour the school. I am certain you will be impressed.

  Wheelers Hill Secondary College empowers all students to achieve success and be confident, valuable citizens.

  This is accomplished within a caring and engaging teaching and learning community

  The educational philosophy of Wheelers Hill SC is built on the four pillars of education. We value learning and understand that it is a lifelong journey. The values that underpin our philosophy are outlined below, attached to one of the four pillars, though relevant to and supporting each.

  1. Learning to know

  We value the pursuit of excellence and doing our best

  We value critical thinking and reflection

  We value the acquisition of knowledge to inform our thinking

  We value the recognition and celebration of individual and group achievement

  2. Learning to do

  We value the acquisition of skills

  We value making, creating & performing

  We value authentic, real-life application of learning

  We value actions that make a positive difference to our world

  3. Learning to live together

  We value relationships that are caring, honest, respectful and considerate of others

  We value diversity and tolerance of difference

  We value personal expression that is mindful of the rights and needs of others

  We value collaborative learning and team work

  4. Learning to be

  We value the realisation of each person’s potential - as an individual, as a family member, as a citizen of the local community and the world

  We value self-confidence, independence and self esteem

  We value innovation, imagination and creativity

  We value student leadership and student voice

  We value personal challenge

  The positive learning environment will be characterised by:


  Experiencing success in their learning

  Happy to be at school

  Inquisitive, motivated and optimistic about their future


  Enjoying teaching and love working with young people

  Happy, secure, stimulated in their jobs

  Practice recognising the different learning needs of all students

  Highly professional and committed to a whole school team approach to the achievement of College goals and priorities

  Believing that all students can learn and are committed to the success of all students.


  Buildings and grounds that enable all students and staff to learn, work and play in a pleasant and stimulating environment

  Facilities, equipment and learning technologies are first rate and consistently upgraded


  The ethos and culture value learning, artistic achievement, co-operation, friendship, loyalty, fairness and commitment to the rights and needs of others

  The working, learning and recreational environment recognises everyone’s right to success and enjoyment

  Parents, staff, students and other members of the College Community collaborate and work together to ensure a continuous process of improvement in every aspect of College operations.
